Source code for pymoskito.controltools

This file contains some functions that are quite helpful when designing feedback
This collection is not complete and does not aim to be so. 
For a more sophisticated collection have a look at the `symbtools`
( or `control` package which are not used
in this package to keep a small footprint.

import warnings
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv as mat_inv

__all__ = ["char_coefficients", "place_siso", "calc_prefilter",
           "controllability_matrix", "observability_matrix",

[docs]def lie_derivatives(h, f, x, order=1): """ Calculates the Lie-Derivative from a scalar field :math:`h(x)` along a vector field :math:`f(x)`. Args: h (sympy.matrix): scalar field f (sympy.matrix): vector field x (sympy.matrix): symbolic representation of the states order (int): order Return: list of sympy.matrix: lie derivatives in ascending order """ derivatives = [h] for i in range(order): derivatives.append(derivatives[-1].jacobian(x) * f) return derivatives
[docs]def char_coefficients(poles): """ Calculate the coefficients of a characteristic polynomial. Args: poles (list or :obj:`numpy.ndarray`): pol configuration Return: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: coefficients """ poles = np.array(poles) # convert to numpy array poles = np.ravel(poles) # transform to 1d array s = sp.symbols("s") poly = 1 for s_i in poles: poly = (s - s_i) * poly poly = sp.expand(poly) # calculate the coefficient of characteristic polynomial n = len(poles) p = [] for i in range(n): p.append(poly.subs([(s, 0)])) poly = poly - p[i] poly = poly / s poly = sp.expand(poly) # convert numbers and complex objects from multiplication to a complex # number p = [complex(x) for x in p] # if imaginary part is greater than the boundary, set imaginary part to zero boundary = 1e-12 for idx, val in enumerate(p): if abs(val.imag) > boundary: msg = "Imaginary Part of the coefficient p[{}] " "is unequal zero ({})) for a given tolerance of {}".format( str(idx), str(boundary), str(val.imag)) warnings.warn(msg) p[idx] = val.real return np.array(p, dtype=float) # [a_0, a_1, ... , a_n-1]
[docs]def controllability_matrix(a_mat, b_mat): """ Calculate controllability matrix and check controllability of the system. .. math:: \\boldsymbol{Q_{c}} = \\begin{pmatrix} \\boldsymbol{B} & \\boldsymbol{A}\\boldsymbol{B} & \\boldsymbol{A}^{2} \\boldsymbol{B} & \\cdots & \\boldsymbol{A}^{n-1}\\boldsymbol{B}\\\\ \\end{pmatrix} Args: a_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): system matrix b_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): manipulating matrix Return: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: controllability matrix :math:`\\boldsymbol{Q_{c}}` """ a_mat = np.atleast_2d(a_mat) b_mat = np.atleast_2d(b_mat) # check dimension of matrix A and B if a_mat.shape[0] != a_mat.shape[1]: raise ValueError("A is not square") if a_mat.shape[0] != b_mat.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Dimension of A and B does not match") if a_mat.shape[0] < b_mat.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Dimension of A and B does not match") n = a_mat.shape[0] # calculate controllability matrix qc = b_mat for x in range(1, n): qc = np.concatenate((qc, np.linalg.matrix_power(a_mat, x) @ b_mat), axis=1) # check controllability of the system if np.linalg.matrix_rank(qc) != n: raise ValueError("System is not controllable") return qc
[docs]def observability_matrix(a_mat, c_mat): """ Calculate observability matrix and check observability of the system. .. math:: \\boldsymbol{Q_{o}} = \\begin{pmatrix} \\boldsymbol{C}\\\\ \\boldsymbol{C}\\boldsymbol{A}\\\\ \\boldsymbol{C}\\boldsymbol{A}^{2}\\\\ \\vdots \\\\ \\boldsymbol{C}\\boldsymbol{A}^{n-1}\\\\ \\end{pmatrix} Args: a_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): system matrix c_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): output matrix Return: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: observability matrix :math:`\\boldsymbol{Q_{o}}` """ a_mat = np.atleast_2d(a_mat) c_mat = np.atleast_2d(c_mat) # check dimension of matrix A and C if a_mat.shape[0] != a_mat.shape[1]: raise ValueError("A is not square") if a_mat.shape[0] != c_mat.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Dimension of A and C does not match") if a_mat.shape[0] < c_mat.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Dimension of A and C does not match") n = a_mat.shape[0] # calculate observability matrix qo = c_mat for x in range(1, n): qo = np.concatenate((qo, c_mat @ np.linalg.matrix_power(a_mat, x)), axis=0) # check observability of the system if np.linalg.matrix_rank(qo) != n: raise ValueError("System is not observable") return qo
[docs]def place_siso(a_mat, b_mat, poles): """ Place poles for single input single output (SISO) systems: - pol placement for state feedback: :math:`A` and :math:`b` - pol placement for observer: :math:`A^T` and :math:`c` Args: a_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): System matrix.:math:`A` b_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): Input vector :math:`b` or Output matrix :math:`c` . poles (list or :obj:`numpy.ndarray`): Desired poles. Return: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Feedback vector or :math:`k` or observer gain :math:`l^T` . """ # check consistency if a_mat.shape[0] != a_mat.shape[1]: raise ValueError("A is not square") n = a_mat.shape[0] if n != b_mat.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Dimension of A and B does not match") m = b_mat.shape[1] if m != 1: raise ValueError("Dimension of B implies that is not a SISO system") if n != len(poles): raise ValueError("Dimension of A and the number of poles doesn't match") p = char_coefficients(poles) # calculate controllability matrix q = controllability_matrix(a_mat, b_mat) q_inv = np.linalg.inv(q) # last row in the inverse controllability matrix t1_t = np.atleast_2d(q_inv[-1]) cm = np.linalg.matrix_power(a_mat, n) for i in range(n): cm = cm + p[i] * np.linalg.matrix_power(a_mat, i) k =, cm) return k
[docs]def calc_prefilter(a_mat, b_mat, c_mat, k_mat=None): """ Calculate the prefilter matrix .. math:: \\boldsymbol{V} = - \\left[\\boldsymbol{C} \\left(\\boldsymbol{A} - \\boldsymbol{B}\\boldsymbol{K}\\right)^{-1}\\boldsymbol{B}\\right]^{-1} Args: a_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): system matrix b_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): input matrix c_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): output matrix k_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): control matrix Return: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Prefilter matrix """ a_mat = np.atleast_2d(a_mat) b_mat = np.atleast_2d(b_mat) c_mat = np.atleast_2d(c_mat) k_mat = np.atleast_2d(k_mat) # check dimension of matrices A, B and C if a_mat.shape[0] != a_mat.shape[1]: raise ValueError("A is not square") if a_mat.shape[0] != b_mat.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Dimension of A and B does not match") if a_mat.shape[0] < b_mat.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Dimension of A and B does not match") if a_mat.shape[0] != c_mat.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Dimension of A and C does not match") if a_mat.shape[0] < c_mat.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Dimension of A and C does not match") if k_mat[0, 0] is not None: try: # prefilter: V = -[C(A-BK)^-1*B]^-1 v = -mat_inv(c_mat @ (mat_inv(a_mat - b_mat @ k_mat) @ b_mat)) except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: raise ValueError("Cannot calculate V due to singularity.") else: v = np.array([[1]]) return v