Source code for pymoskito.simulation_modules

import logging
from copy import copy
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict

from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject
pyqtWrapperType = type(QObject)

__all__ = ["SimulationModule", "SimulationException",
           "Trajectory", "Feedforward", "Controller", "Limiter",
           "ModelMixer", "Model", "ModelException",
           "Solver", "Disturbance", "Sensor", "ObserverMixer", "Observer"]

class SimulationModuleMeta(ABCMeta, pyqtWrapperType):

[docs]class SimulationException(Exception): pass
[docs]class SimulationModule(QObject, metaclass=SimulationModuleMeta): """ Smallest unit pof the simulation framework. This class provides necessary functions like output calculation and holds all settings that can be accessed by the user. The :py:attr:`public_settings` are read by the :py:class:`.SimulationInterface` and the rendered by the GUI. All entries stated in this dictionary will be available as changeable settings for the module. On initialization, a possibly modified (in terms of its values) version of this dict will be passed back to this class and is thenceforward available via the :py:attr:`settings` property. The most important method is :py:func:`calc_output` which is called by the :py:class:`Simulator` to retrieve this modules output. Args: settings(OrderedDict): Settings for this simulation module. These entries will be shown in the properties view and can be changed by the user. The important entries for this base class are: `output info`: Dict holding an information dictionaries with keys `Name` and `Unit` for each element in the output data. If available, these information are used to display reasonable names in the result view and to display the corresponding units for the result plots. Warn: Do NOT use '.' in the `output_info` name field. TODO: Get rif of the point restriction """ def __init__(self, settings): QObject.__init__(self, None) self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) assert isinstance(settings, dict) self._settings = copy(settings) self._settings["tick divider"] = settings.get("tick divider", 1) self._settings["step width"] = None self._settings.pop("modules", None) @property @abstractmethod def public_settings(self): pass @property def settings(self): return self._settings @property def tick_divider(self): return self._settings["tick divider"] @property def step_width(self): return self._settings["step width"] @step_width.setter def step_width(self, value): self._settings["step width"] = value @abstractmethod def calc_output(self, input_vector): pass
[docs]class ModelException(SimulationException): """ Exception to be raised if the current system state violates modelling assumptions. """ pass
[docs]class Model(SimulationModule): """ Base class for all user defined system models in state-space form. Args: settings (dict): Dictionary holding the config options for this module. It must contain the following keys: :input_count: The length of the input vector for this model. :state_count: The length of the state vector for this model. :initial state: The initial state vector for this model. """ def __init__(self, settings): SimulationModule.__init__(self, settings) assert ("state_count" in settings) assert ("input_count" in settings) assert ("initial state" in settings) assert len(settings["initial state"]) == settings["state_count"] @property def initial_state(self): """ Return the initial state of the system. """ return self._settings["initial state"]
[docs] @abstractmethod def state_function(self, t, x, args): """ Calculate the state derivatives of a system with state x at time t. Args: x(Array-like): System state. t(float): System time. Returns: Temporal derivative of the system state at time t. """ pass
[docs] def root_function(self, x): """ Check whether a reinitialisation of the integrator should be performed. This can be the case if there are discontinuities in the system dynamics such as switching. Args: x(array-like): Current system state. Returns: tuple: * bool: `True` if reset is advised. * array-like: State to continue with. """ return False, x
[docs] def check_consistency(self, x): """ Check whether the assumptions, made in the modelling process are violated. Args: x: Current system state Raises: :py:class:`ModelException` : If a violation is detected. This will stop the simulation process. """ pass
class SolverException(SimulationException): pass
[docs]class Solver(SimulationModule): """ Base Class for solver implementations """ def __init__(self, settings): assert isinstance(settings["modules"]["Model"], Model) self._model = settings["modules"]["Model"] self.next_output = None SimulationModule.__init__(self, settings) def calc_output(self, input_vector): self.set_input(input_vector["system_input"]) output = self.next_output self.next_output = self.integrate(input_vector["time"]) try: self._model.check_consistency(self.next_output) except ModelException as e: raise SolverException("Timestep Integration failed! " "Model raised: {0}".format(e)) return output @abstractmethod def set_input(self, *args): pass @abstractmethod def integrate(self, t): pass @property @abstractmethod def t(self): pass @property @abstractmethod def successful(self): pass
class ControllerException(SimulationException): pass
[docs]class Controller(SimulationModule): """ Base class for controllers. Args: settings (dict): Dictionary holding the config options for this module. It must contain the following keys: :input_order: The order of required derivatives from the trajectory generator. :input_type: Source for the feedback calculation and one of the following: `system_state` , `system_output` , `Observer` or `Sensor` . """ # selectable input sources for controller input_sources = ["system_state", "system_output", "Observer", "Sensor"] def __init__(self, settings): SimulationModule.__init__(self, settings) assert ("input_order" in settings) assert ("input_type" in settings) assert (settings["input_type"] in self.input_sources) @property def input_order(self): return self._settings["input_order"] def calc_output(self, input_vector): input_values = next((input_vector[src] for src in self.input_sources if src == self._settings["input_type"]), None) if input_values is None: raise ControllerException("Selected Input not available") trajectory_values = input_vector.get("Trajectory", None) feedforward_values = input_vector.get("Feedforward", None) return self._control(input_vector["time"], trajectory_values, feedforward_values, input_values)
[docs] @abstractmethod def _control(self, time, trajectory_values=None, feedforward_values=None, input_values=None, **kwargs): """ Placeholder for control law calculations. For more sophisticated implementations overload :py:func:`calc_output` . Args: time (float): Current time. trajectory_values (array-like): Desired values from the trajectory generator. feedforward_values (array-like): Output of feedforward block. input_values (array-like): The input values selected by ``input_type`` . **kwargs: Placeholder for custom parameters. Returns: Array: Control output. """ pass
[docs]class Observer(SimulationModule): """ Base class for observers """ def __init__(self, settings): SimulationModule.__init__(self, settings) def calc_output(self, input_vector): system_input = input_vector.get("system_input", None) if "ObserverMixer" in input_vector: system_output = input_vector["ObserverMixer"] elif "system_output" in input_vector: system_output = input_vector["system_output"] else: raise SimulationException("No Observer input specified") return self._observe(input_vector["time"], system_input, system_output)
[docs] @abstractmethod def _observe(self, time, system_input, system_output): """ Placeholder for observer law. Args: time: Current time. system_input: Current system input. system_output: Current system output. Returns: Estimated system state """ pass
[docs]class Feedforward(SimulationModule): """ Base class for all feedforward implementations """ def __init__(self, settings): self._model = settings["modules"]["Model"] SimulationModule.__init__(self, settings) assert ("input_order" in settings) @property def input_order(self): return self._settings["input_order"] def calc_output(self, input_dict): return self._feedforward(input_dict["time"], input_dict["Trajectory"])
[docs] @abstractmethod def _feedforward(self, time, trajectory_values): """ Placeholder for feedforward calculations. Args: time (float): Current time. trajectory_values(array-like): Desired values from the trajectory generator. Returns: Array: Feedforward output. This signal can be added to the controllers output via the :py:class:`.ModelMixer` and is also directly passed to the controller. """ pass
class TrajectoryException(SimulationException): pass
[docs]class Trajectory(SimulationModule): """ Base class for all trajectory generators """ def __init__(self, settings): control_order = 0 feedforward_order = 0 if "Controller" in settings["modules"].keys(): control_order = settings["modules"]["Controller"].input_order if "Feedforward" in settings["modules"].keys(): feedforward_order = settings["modules"]["Feedforward"].input_order settings.update(differential_order=max([control_order, feedforward_order])) SimulationModule.__init__(self, settings) def calc_output(self, input_vector): desired = self._desired_values(input_vector["time"]) return desired
[docs] @abstractmethod def _desired_values(self, t): """ Placeholder for calculations of desired values. Args: t (float): Time. Returns: Array: Trajectory output. This should always be a two-dimensional array holding the components in to 0th and their derivatives in the 1th axis. """ pass
class MixerException(Exception): pass class SignalMixer(SimulationModule): """ Base class for all Signal mixing modules """ def __init__(self, settings): assert "input signals" in settings SimulationModule.__init__(self, settings) def calc_output(self, input_vector): signals = [value for signal, value in input_vector.items() if signal in self._settings["input signals"]] return self._mix(signals)
[docs]class ModelMixer(SignalMixer): pass
[docs]class ObserverMixer(SignalMixer): pass
[docs]class Limiter(SimulationModule): """ Base class for all limiter variants """ def __init__(self, settings): assert "input_signal" in settings SimulationModule.__init__(self, settings) def calc_output(self, input_dict): return self._limit(input_dict[self._settings["input_signal"]])
[docs] def _limit(self, values): """ Placeholder for actual limit calculations. Args: values(array-like): Values to limit. Returns: Array: Limited output. """ return values
[docs]class Sensor(SimulationModule): """ Base class for all sensor variants """ def __init__(self, settings): assert "input signal" in settings SimulationModule.__init__(self, settings) def calc_output(self, input_dict): return self._measure(input_dict[self._settings["input signal"]])
[docs] def _measure(self, value): """ Placeholder for measurement calculations. One may reorder or remove state elements or introduce measurement delays here. Args: value (array-like float): Values from the source selected by the ``input_signal`` property. Returns: array-like float: 'Measured' values. """ return value
[docs]class Disturbance(SimulationModule): """ Base class for all disturbance variants """ def __init__(self, settings): assert "input signal" in settings SimulationModule.__init__(self, settings) def calc_output(self, input_dict): return self._disturb(input_dict[self._settings["input signal"]])
[docs] @abstractmethod def _disturb(self, value): """ Placeholder for disturbance calculations. If the noise is to be dependent on the measured signal use its `value` to create the noise. Args: value (array-like float): Values from the source selected by the ``input_signal`` property. Returns: array-like float: Noise that will be mixed with a signal later on. """ pass